Fund Investment Details
Step 1: Click on Projects and then Project List. Select the desired Fund Project.
Step 2: Select the Entity that you want to add Fund Details to. Select the three dots in the top right and click Edit Classes.
Step 3: From here, you can add or edit any class details of the Fund. Scroll about halfway down the page to the Investment Page section. *Note - if you are looking to build a new Fund Offering, please refer to this article.
There are several places that you can add additional information to your project.
Header Background Image: Choose to add an image at the top of the Investment Details page.
Content: Custom text box where you can add text, images, videos, links, etc. We recommend using this text box to add details about the investment parameters or projections.
Gallery: Display a photo gallery of any images associated to the asset.
Step 4: Add Fund Details. Here you can add specific Fund Metrics and additional custom text about the Fund. To add a new Fund Metrics, select the blue 'Add Fund Metric' link and select which metrics you'd like to display.
This is how it will appear on the Investor Portal:
Step 5: Add a Funds Details Table. Here, you can show what investments the Fund has made and any associated Data Points that you want to show about the Fund. *Note - You can reorder any Fund Investments or Metrics by dragging the tiles to the order you wish. Choose which Investments or Metrics to display by selecting the blue checkbox next to each option.
This is how it will appear on the Investor Portal: *Note - Investors can download this chart by selecting the download icon in the top right of the chart.
Step 6: When you have added the Fund information you wish to display, select Next and then Save.
Step 7: If you need to update any Fund Metrics or data points, you can update that in the Edit Project function.
From here you can choose to show/hide the Fund on Investor Dashboards and update the Fund Status and Close and Exit dates.
On the Next tab, you can update specific Fund data points and upload any images you want to populate on the Investor Portal for the Fund.