Updating Portal URL
If a situation arises where you need to change the URL for your investor portal or make updates to your domain, please follow these steps:
1) Determine who manages your DNS records. This is typically an internal team, or a third-party service. IMS does not manage DNS records.
2) Submit a ticket to the support team, either through the app or support@imscre.com, and let us know what you want the new URL to be.
3) The support team will provide the changes that need to be made to your DNS settings.
4) Have your team make the required changes.
5) Confirm with the support team the changes have been made.
6) The support team will update your URL and DropBox Sign domain.
What are DNS Settings?
DNS settings are used to connect websites to each other. In IMS, they are used to connect your website to the investor portal and our email server.
Types of DNS records
DKIM Record - Used to digitally sign outgoing mail, so the recipients know the message has not been faked or altered in transit
SPF Record - Specifies the servers and domains that are authorized to send email on behalf of your organization
CNAME - Used to map an aliased domain name to a canonical domain name
2024 Email Sending Requirement Changes
To ensure uninterrupted email delivery, it’s crucial to update your domain’s authentication settings. This change primarily involves updating your DKIM records and establishing a DMARC policy for any sending domains used.
How to Update Your Settings:
Two sets of DNS records need to be created.
DKIM: Create two CNAME records for your domain:
- Name: mte1._domainkey.yourdomain.com
- Value: dkim1.mandrillapp.com
- Name: mte2._domainkey.yourdomain.com
- Value: dkim2.mandrillapp.com
Note: Replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain name.
DMARC: Create a TXT record in your DNS:
- Record Name: _dmarc.yourdomain.com
- Value: v=DMARC1; p=none;
Note: Again, replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain name. If you already have a record that begins with _dmarc in your DNS adding another is not necessary and this step can be skipped.