RealPage Financial Suite Integration
Setting up the RealPage Financial Suite integration
To get started, an Admin Team Member will need to set up the RealPage Financial Suite integration by navigating to Admin Settings > Integrations and clicking the '+ Integrate' text at the bottom of the respective tile:
The credentials should match the login credentials used for Financial Suite. Once the form has been filled out, the 'Integrate' button will become enabled:
Once the Team Member has successfully integrated, they’ll want to click into the Journal dropdown to select the appropriate journal from Financial Suite to transmit data from IMS to, and click Save:
Selecting Mapping IDs in a project for IMS to map records to RealPage Financial Suite
Before transmitting any data to Financial Suite, mapping IDs must be selected at the project level. These mapping IDs are populated directly from Financial Suite, so it is critical that the integration is set up correctly and that the appropriate journal was selected on the integration page.
To locate the mapping IDs, navigate to the Project Summary page for a given project and click on the Financial Suite tab:
On this tab, there are three pages where mapping IDs will need to be selected – Entity, Class, and Investment Ownership.
The Investment Ownership page includes a table with all the project's investment records. By clicking on the caret to the left of an investor in the table, the row will expand to reveal all of their investments. A Vendor ID and Customer ID must be selected for each investment:
The Class Integration page lists all the classes in the project. Here, you’ll need to select a Location ID for each class, as well as any relevant Transaction Types, Debit, and Credit accounts from Financial Suite:
The Entity Integration page lists all the entities in the project. Just like on the Class Integration page, here you’ll need to select a Location ID for each entity, as well as any relevant Transaction Types, Debit, and Credit accounts from Financial Suite:
Once you have all your mapping IDs selected, you are set to start transmitting data from IMS to Financial Suite!
Transmitting Contributions to RealPage Financial Suite
To transmit contribution records to Financial Suite, navigate to the Project Summary page for a given project and click on the Project Actions dropdown in the top-right corner of the page:
If the required mapping IDs have not been selected, the ‘Transmit Contributions to Financial Suite’ option in the menu will be disabled:
When the required mapping IDs have been selected, the ‘Transmit Contributions to Financial Suite’ option in the menu will be enabled, and upon clicking it, a pop-up message will appear. Please review the modal before clicking the 'Transmit' button to ensure that this action should be taken:
Once the ‘Transmit’ button has been clicked, all active investments in the project with the correct mapping IDs will be sent to Financial Suite. Investments with a Customer ID will be posted as an Accounts Receivable (AR) invoice, and investments without a Customer ID will be posted as a general ledger (GL) entry.
The following values (IMS on the left, Financial Suite on the right) will be included in each AR invoice and GL entry (minus the customer ID for the GL entries):
- Investor Profile ID = CUSTOMERID
- Investor = Customer Name
- Date Invested = Invoice Date
- Investment Amount = Transaction Amount
- Investment Description = Description
- Investment Description = Memo (on the AR invoice itself)
- Transaction Type = Contribution
The Team Member who initiated the contributions transmission will receive a notification once it has completed!