Allowing Investors to Add or Edit their Profiles
The investor portal allows the sponsor to control if investors can add new profiles or make edits to their existing profile(s) directly through the portal or if the investor needs to contact the sponsor to make any updates.
By default, investors will be able to add new profiles and make edits to their existing profile(s).
To prevent investors from adding or editing profile(s), please follow the steps below. IMS recommends contacting your investors prior to restricting access, so your investors can make any final updates on their own.
Step 1:
In the IMS Admin Portal, navigate to select your name at the top right and select Investor Settings:
Step 2:
You will be defaulted to the General Settings tab:
Scroll about halfway down the page until you see the Investor Profile Adding Rights and the Investor Profile Editing Rights sections:
Step 3:
Choose which options you would like to restrict by either toggling off the options or unchecking the blue box. You can choose any combination of options, and these can be updated at any point if you change your mind in the future. It is important to understand that if you choose to prevent adding or editing, it will apply to all Investor Profile types (Individual, Joint, Trust, Entity, IRA, etc.).
Personal Information category includes the following:
Individual Profiles: Name, Email Address, Tax ID, Date of Birth, Partnership Type, Referral Source
Joint Profiles: Tax ID, Tax Filing Status, Email, Joint Account Type, Partnership Type
Entity/Trust Profiles: Profile Type, Title/Position, Date of Formation, Tax ID, Email, Executive Name/Trustee, State of Jurisdiction, Partnership Type, Entity/Trust Type
IRA Profiles: Date of Formation, Email, Custodian Name, Tax ID
Preventing ALL Editing Rights
You can uncheck all the boxes to prevent ALL editing rights:
Below is what investors will see if you prevent adding profiles and all editing rights. Investors will not be able to select 'Add Profile' or 'Edit Contact Info' and they will be prompted to reach out to their sponsor or investor relations contact.
Preventing Some Editing Rights
You can uncheck some of the boxes to prevent some editing rights.
Below is what investors will see if you prevent editing on only some portions. Investors will still be able to select 'Edit Contact Info' but certain portions of their profile will be locked and unable to be edited. The greyed-out text indicates they are unable to make any changes and to contact their investor relations manager to edit their contact info.