Investor Settings Tour
Click Profile and Preferences at the top right. Click Investor Settings:
The left-hand side will display a menu of different settings and options you can configure to your preference. The article below describes what each category can do.
General Settings
From this tab, you can update the landing page that the About Us link on the investor portal will direct investors to. We recommend linking to your company's main website or company website geared towards investors. You can also decide which tabs investors will see in their portals or rename any of the tabs. We recommend you at least toggle on Dashboard, Portfolio Performance, Transactions, Documents, and Open Offerings to give your investors a more robust portal experience.
You can also update the fields needed for new Investor Accounts to register from the portal. The system will automatically require a Full Name and Email Address, and you can turn on additional settings that meet your company's needs. You can also change the language displayed on Sign up button.
Additionally, you can choose the default page to direct investors to upon login, set up Multi-Factor Authentication, set your preferences for Investor Documents and Investor Communication, and configure your Investor Profile Editing Rights. Lastly, you can configure your company's Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page.
After making any changes on this page, please be sure to select Save at the bottom right-hand corner.
Investment Metrics
This tab allows you to view all metrics available for display on your investor portal as well as review their descriptions and calculations. You can also rename the metrics by clicking on the pencil icon next to each metric name. Additionally, Custom Metrics can be setup to display on investor dashboards. Please keep in mind that these are manual entries and will need to be updated by the Sponsor, if these metrics change.
Offering Metrics
Unique metrics can be configured for both the Offering Tile or the Offering Details Page. You can further customize the metrics by selecting which metrics to show for each Investment Status. For more information on setting up your Offering Metrics, please click here.
Offering Tile details will be displayed on Investor Dashboards (example below). My Investments shows all investments placed by the investor and whether those projects are still accepting investments, are distributing funds, or are closed. Open Investments will show all Investing or Funding projects that are still accepting investments that an investor has not placed an investment with. Closed Investments showcases all liquidated offerings that an investor has not placed an investment with.
The Offering Page Defaults are the metrics shown on the View More Details page of each offering. It is a good idea to choose metrics that are the most universal for all of your projects. In the example below, if you choose a metric that doesn't have any information, it will appear with a ' - ' through it.
Offering Preferences
Relating to your offering pages, Offering Preferences allows you to control the 'Offering Page - Total Investment' metric and choose how documents are displayed.
Portal Notifications
On this page, you can customize notifications investors receive based off different events. You have the option to customize notifications listed on this page before they are sent out to investors. For more details on customizing these notifications, click here.
Project Preferences
Here, you can choose project status names for Investing, Invested, Syndicating and Liquidated projects. Choosing Other will provide you with a field to type in a custom status name, if the option available in the dropdown menu do not suite your needs. Click here for more information on Project Statuses.
This preferences tab also allows Sponsors to choose how investor dollars are displayed, whether that is rounded to the nearest whole dollar or with cents. You can also choose how the investment amounts are displayed; either the original amount or the net return of capital.
Statement Templates
Here, you will see a list of all Investor Statement Templates already created, and you can clone, edit, or delete the templates. We recommend you first design your template before you run an Investor Statement batch to ensure the statement will include the information you want to share with investors.
Investor Portal Design
The Investor Portal Design tab is where your branding and theming is located. Here, you can upload logos, colors, fonts, graphic elements, and more. We recommend you brand your Investor Portals to match your company's branding, so it is a consistent investor experience. You can also customize Dashboard Metrics will display at the top of the portal and what the Investor Login page will look like. For more information on setting up your Investor Portal Design and design, please click here.
Here, you can choose your rounding preference and whether any excess funds will be retained or distributed after rounding. You can also choose when you would like your preferred return accrual calculation and when you would like to display your unpaid preferred returns.
eSignature Preferences
This page allows you to choose whether investors (a) receive a fully executed eSignature document via email after an investment is completed through IMS and (b) receive an email once all signatures have been received upon completing an investment. For more information on the eSignature set up and workflow, please click here.