Investor Dashboard Login & Tour
Logging In
Step 1: Click the Login button in the upper right corner or in the center of the screen:
Step 2: Type in your email and password. Select Login. (Note the Forgot Password prompt below to use if needed).
Investor Dashboard / Homepage
The Dashboard tab will contain investment information for each profile associated with your account. If you have more than one profile associated with your account, your dashboard will default to All Profiles (see arrow below). Select the Profiles dropdown at the top to view additional profiles:
The homepage will contain three different tabs that correspond to different project and investment statuses.
- My Investments: Any asset you've invested in, whether it's currently accepting investments, distributing money, or closed.
- Open Offerings: Any offerings that are currently accepting investments that you have not previously invested in.
- Closed Investments: Any assets that have been liquidated/sold/closed that you have not previously invested in.
Note the search and sort feature. These can help you organize your dashboard or find investments quickly.
Open Offerings
The Open Offerings tab will contain assets that are currently raising capital. They also may be preview pages to inform you of an upcoming opportunity. *Note - this tab will display assets that you have not previously invested in. Any offerings where a prior investment is held and are still raising capital will appear under My Investments.
Select 'View more details' in the bottom right of the Offering Tile to learn more about the opportunity. This details page will showcase details about the raise, and may include information about the property, photos, maps, and more. If you'd like to place an investment in this raise, click the Invest button (top right) to launch the electronic subscription process.
My Portfolio Tab
This tab shows information about your investment portfolio, including interactive charts and reporting, transactional history, and electronic document organization.
Portfolio Performance Reporting
Portfolio Performance is an interactive graph and chart that displays your cumulative investment and distribution history. Charts can be filtered by Investment Profile, downloaded to Excel, and expanded to reveal additional granularity into distributions.
Click here for more information on Portfolio Performance.
My Transactions
The Transactions tab will display investment, distribution, and transfer activity. You can search or filter activity by profile, investment, type, date range, and keyword. Note the Export button at the top right side of the page. When enabled in Investor Settings, distributions will feature a small (i) icon next to the amount, giving more granular details about the makeup of the distribution amount.
The Documents tab will house documents associated with the selected profile(s). You can search or filter documents by profile, project, date range, and folder with the options in the left column. Simply click on the document filename you choose to view and it will download the file. You can also select which documents you would like to download in bulk and select the download icon (top right). *Note - the Unread icon will appear next to any documents that have not been downloaded for viewing yet.
You can upload documents through your Investor Portal, so your Sponsor will have access to them. To do so, you'll first need to log into your Investor Portal, select the Documents tab from the menu at the top of the page, and then select Uploads. You can filter by Profile, Date Range, and Keyword. You can also see when the Sponsor has viewed your uploaded document.
Communications Tab
The Communications folder is a historical log of all email communications sent from your Sponsor. Use the search bar to quickly search for an email by subject or sender. You may also scroll through the email log. Note the colored bar that appears next to emails that haven't been viewed yet. Select a subject line on an email to get a preview of the email in the right-hand panel.