Project Preferences
There are 4 statuses that a project can be labeled as: Investing, Invested, Liquidated, or Syndicating.
Renaming Status Default Names
Status default names can be changed to better reflect your firm's operational language. To update the default names, go to Profile & Preferences > Investor Settings.
Within Investor Settings, select Project Preferences. From here, select the drop down next to the status you want to change. For this example, we updated the Investing status to read as 'Funding' instead.
Changing Statuses
Project statuses can be updated at any point throughout the lifecycle of the asset. To update a status, go to Projects > Project List and from the dropdown menu next to the project in question, choose Edit Project. In the Edit Project settings, you will be able to select which status best represents your project. Click Save.
Investing, Funding or Syndicating: You will most likely choose Investing, Funding or Syndicating statuses when you have a new offering or you have a project that is currently accepting investments. Investing/Funding/Syndicating projects can appear under an investor's Open Investments if they have not yet contributed capital to the project or under My Investments if that have already contributed capital but the project is still accepting investments. Syndicating statuses most often refer to open ended Fund projects.
Invested: Invested projects are typically projects that are no longer accepting investments and now are distributing money back to investors. Usually, the asset is still being managed by you. Invested projects typically appear under My Investments on an investor's dashboard.
Liquidated: Liquidated or Exited projects typically are assets that have been sold and are no longer distributing money back to investors. Liquidated projects can appear under My Investments if the investor had previously invested in that project, or they will appear under the Closed Investments tab if that investor was not associated to that project. Sponsors may choose to unpublish liquidated projects from Investor Portals entirely or may choose to show them to give investors a historical look at past assets.
Investment Statuses on Investor Dashboards
On the investor portal, statuses help keep the Investor Dashboard organized and easier for the investor to find a project or investment they may be looking for. Sponsors are free to choose whatever status represents their project and can be updated throughout the lifecycle of the asset. The project status will be listed on the Investment Tile.
Investors can sort their portfolio metrics by Active or Liquidated statuses, if they'd wish. The investor simply needs to select which status they'd like to sort their metrics by and then the Portfolio Metrics will reflect the new selection.
The Project Preferences page also provides a few other options that carry through into your projects.
Here you can toggle on or off the option to 'Display future dated investments on the Investor Portal' which is often found useful in the case of a redemption or transfer. Likewise, you can toggle on or off the option to 'Display redemptions on the Investor portal,' which can be chosen as an Investment Type when adding a new investment to a project. You also have the option to display Investment Amounts on the investor dashboard as values that are either rounded to the nearest whole dollar or as dollars and cents. Additionally, you have the ability to control how Transfers, Sales and Syndications are handled.
Be sure to select Save after making any changes on this page.