Product Release Notes (Q1 2024)
1.12.24 Release | Feature Enhancements
Happy New Year! The following enhancements have been released:
- For Disregarded Entities and K-1 Matching, the tax ID that is used for the K-1 document will now match the tax ID of the connection selected for the Disregarded Entity of an Entity profile. If the connection’s profile is deleted in the CRM or if the connection is deleted on the Connections tab of the Entity profile, then the Entity’s tax ID will be used for the K-1 document (instead of the tax ID of that connection).
- Team members can now edit the Display Locations and Document Type for documents within a project, at every level (i.e., Project Summary, Entity, Class).
- A new checkbox labeled Historical Commitment is now available on the Details tab of all commitment batches. When this checkbox is checked, the commitment batch cannot be published on the Investor Portal, nor can a team member request commitments for the batch.
- A dropdown field labeled Investment Type has been added to the Add/Edit Investment modal. This field has the options of ‘Investment’ and ‘Redemption,’ and all investments will have ‘Investment’ selected by default upon creation. Within this quarter, we’ll be releasing the ability to show/hide redemptions on the Investor Portal and to display an Investment Type column on the cap table.
- When editing a profile in the CRM, if Other is selected as the address type, a text box will now appear for the user to enter a custom value. This functionality has been implemented on the Investor Portal as well, so investors can also enter a custom address type when selecting Other. An Other Type column has been added to the CRM export as well.
- The required Check Instructions tag in the Confirm Investment notification has been updated to be consistent across all portal notifications. The text “Mailing address for checks (made out to ISSUER):” has been replaced with “Check Instructions:”
- Escrow Mailing Instructions are now included in the Payment Instructions tag for the Investment Confirmation and Request Funds portal notifications.
- A new section titled Login Page has been added to the Investor Portal Design page in Investor Settings. In this section, there’s a Heading Text field for team members to enter a custom heading for the Investor Portal login page. This field works the same as the one for the landing page, where the ‘Use default text’ checkbox is checked by default, and unchecking it enables the text field to enter custom text.
- In the Dashboard section of the Investor Portal Design page, an ‘As of’ dropdown with the options of All Time, Start Date, and Date Range has been added for the distribution chart on the Investor Portal Dashboard. This dropdown functions the same as the one that was implemented in December for the Portfolio Performance graph - All Time is the default selection and selecting Start Date or Date Range enables team members to set the time frame for the data that is displayed on the distribution chart.
1.26.24 Release | Feature Enhancements
This release included an 'Archive Contacts' feature. With this new feature, sponsors can archive any contact in the CRM, which removes them from the Active table and adds them to a new Archived table. This enables sponsors to clean up their CRM without having to permanently delete a contact.
Archived contacts will still be able to log in to the investor portal to access all of their investment information, but will not be able to place an investment in a deal. Similarly in admin, archived contacts will not appear in the list when adding investors to commitments, capital calls, or investments. Archived contacts cannot be added to segments or custom email recipient lists, but if they are already in either, they will remain until removed manually.
Contacts that have been archived can be unarchived at any time, and both actions are captured in the activity log of the contact’s profile.
To learn more about this new feature, click here.
2.09.24 Release | Feature Enhancements
Financial Suite
- Continuing on with our Financial Suite integration, team members can now initiate sending distribution data from IMS to Financial Suite from within a distribution batch. In the APIs dropdown, there is a new option to Transmit to Financial Suite. When transmitting distribution data, Accounts Payable records will be generated in Financial Suite for investments with Vendor IDs (located on Project Summary > Financial Suite). Any distribution data that is transmitted without a Vendor ID will be generated as General Ledger records.
The Transmit to Financial Suite option is only enabled when the following are true:-
- The RealPage Financial Suite Integration is successfully set up in Admin Settings
- A value is selected for Journal
- The distribution batch has been marked as distributed
- There are no side letter payments in the distribution batch
- The following fields have been selected under Entities > selected Entity > Financial Suite tab:
- Location ID for each class included in the distribution batch
- For each class included in the distribution batch:
- Debit value for each Transaction Type included in the distribution batch (i.e. Preferred Return, Excess Cash, etc)
- Credit value for each Transaction Type included in the distribution batch (i.e. Preferred Return, Excess Cash, etc)
- Team members can now manually archive and unarchive statement batches.
- When creating a statement batch, the Include Transaction History checkbox is no longer dependent on the Include Investment Details checkbox, so team members can choose to include transaction history on a statement without needing to include the investment details.
- On the Contact Profile tab, the Save button is now disabled by default and becomes enabled once the user edits a field on the page.
Investor Settings
- On the Project Preferences page in Investor Settings, there’s a new toggle labeled Display redemptions on the Investor Portal. This toggle is on by default, and when toggled off, it will hide all investments with the investment type of ‘Redemption’ on the Investor Portal.
2.23.24 Release | Feature Enhancements
The following enhancements are live in production:
- Investor Statements now respect the Investor Dollar Value Display set on the Project Preferences page within Investor Settings. When generating an investor statement, the dollar values in the document will display according to which radio button was selected: Values rounded to the nearest whole dollar or Values with cents.
- The gear wheel button to show/hide columns in a table has been updated to a view column button. This change has been implemented for every table where the gear wheel was located, which includes: the contacts table in the CRM, the investments table on a contact’s profile, and the class cap table.
- The blue class ownership boxes on the org chart are now clickable and link directly to the Edit Classes page. When clicking on an ownership box, the team member will be routed to Edit Classes and the Ownership of Entity input field for that class will be highlighted, with the cursor at the end of the value.
3.08.24 Release | Feature Enhancements
- We have enhanced Investor Statements to include transfer details in the Transaction History. In the table, the type will be listed as ‘Transfer’ and the description will match the transfer description in admin.