Portfolio Comparison
Portfolio Comparison
This dashboard is going to comprise of three different views to compare your portfolio financials for the specified date range. The first filter option allows the user to flip between the different viewing options: Bar Chart, Heat Map (Financials), and GIS Map.
On each one of these views, the Filter Options allow the user to compare all properties against each other by the data selected:
Metric - lets the user select which total is displayed such as EGI, OpEx, and NOI.
Measure - lets the user select different views such as Actual, Budget, and Variance.
Actuals or Per Unit - lets the user change the dashboard values to populate as actual or as the calculation of the actual divided by the number of units or square feet per property.
Bar Chart
The bars in this view are colored by the range of values that auto-adjusts to what is currently populated, with the $0 line serving as the Budget benchmark. Over Budget properties appear in deepening shades of red to the left of the Budget line and Under Budget appear in shades of green to the right of the budget line.
Heat Map
The bars in this mapping are colored by the range of values that auto-adjusts to what is currently populated. The user has the additional ability to drill up into segments by hovering over the header and clicking the - symbol and similarly to reverse the action by clicking +.
For example, hovering over “Q1” will produce the option to eliminate that quarter:
The GIS Map view provides a geographical view of the properties in your portfolio. This map can be searched, has full zoom in/out capabilities, and includes a variety of Census Overlap Options available (“Renter Occupied Units” is the Default).
Each of these options includes a corresponding legend across the bottom of the map. For example, if we select the “Median Household Income” overlay, the legend then displays the incomes for areas appearing in those colors:
Hovering over one of the location waypoint dots will open a summary of that property:
Group Comparison
At the bottom of each view in this dashboard, you have the option to view a Group Comparison based on EGI, OpEx, or NOI with Actual or Per Unit data for a specified date range:
In this view, you can use the Segment, Location, Property, and Property Type Filters to select properties to rank against each other:
Segment - A multi-select drop-down that can be used to indicate groups of properties in your portfolio.
Location - A multi-select drop-down with the city and state location.
Property - A multi-select drop-down with the name of each property.
Property Type - A multi-select drop-down with the name of each property type.