Operational Summary
On the Operational Summary dashboard, the top header values show the current period occupancy, revenue, operating expenses, and net operating income. Below each of these is an indicator that represents how the previous period compared to the current period.
If you select the “Show Insights” button, a secondary view opens allowing you an additional layer of reporting:
Occupancy by State visually shows the physical occupancy on the current period. By hovering over a single state, a tooltip will appear showing the different properties that are included in that state and how they contribute to the overall percentage.
EGI by City shows the value against the budget for each. This is controlled by the Metric filter to choose which total the user would like to compare against. The arrows beside this allow the user to drill up to the state level or down to the property level.
EGI in Relation to Occupancy is also controlled by the Metric filter from above and shows the actual and budget for that metric as a bar graph with the physical occupancy as the line graph.
Using the Filter Options menu in the upper-right of the dashboard, the user can specify exactly what information they want to be displayed. Filters include:
Metric - A single select that allows the user to pick the metric category on which total they want to aggregate.
Select Aggregation - A single select that allows the user to pick the comparison choice on how they want to aggregate.
View by Actuals or Per Unit - A single select drop-down that changes the dashboard values to populate as actual or as the calculation of the actual divided by the number of units or square feet per property. The default view is actual.
Property - A multi-select drop-down with the name of each property.
Property Type - A multi-select drop-down with the name of each property type.
Property Manager - A multi-select drop-down with the name of each property Manager.
Segment - A multi-select drop-down that can be used to indicate groups of properties in your portfolio.