Add a Countersigner
A countersigner, is a secondary signer that the document will be sent to after the investor initially signs the document, usually a team member, in purpose of attesting to the authenticity of the first signature.
Note: The countersigner(s) will need to be designated prior to the raise going live in IMS.
Step by Step
Note: You can add up to 3 Team Members for each offering.
- From the Projects tab from the top navigation bar, select Project List and choose the project you wish to add countersigners to.
- Navigate to the appropriate entity and select the three-dot icon at the top right of this page. Select Edit Classes from the drop-down menu:
- From here, once "eSignature" is selected at the very bottom of this page, and "Accepting Investments" is toggled on, you will have to add an eSignature template to the project, and associate this to a class. Once this has been added, it should populate a box at the bottom to select the countersigners, should the template require any.
- Choose the desired Team Member(s) to add as countersignatures (you can add up to 3 Team Members). Click the trash icon to delete a Team Member from the countersignature process. You may use your mouse to click and drag anywhere within the box to rearrange the order of countersigners, if desired.
Note: If you're not ready to accept investments quite yet, but wish to select your countersigner ahead of time, you can toggle "Accepting Investments" to the "OFF" position prior to selecting the Next button.
Finally, click Next, and then Save at the bottom right corner of the screen, and you are done!