Voiding eSignature Documents
If for any reason you need to void an eSignature document, whether it's been signed or is still awaiting signatures, you can do so by visiting the cap table inside the project.
If you need to add a new template to your offering after voiding the initial documents, please review the last video in this article to learn how to add a new template to your offering: eSignature Walkthrough
Step 1:
First, navigate to the offering you need to void a document for. Select Projects on the top navigation, then click Project List, then finally click the blue hyperlink on the project you are looking for to void the eSignature documents.
Step 2:
Navigate to the Entity and Class that the document is associated to. Once here, you will see a list of all investors in the project. You will also see a record of the last document status for the investor.
To void a document for an individual investor, select the drop down arrow to the left of their name and select Void Signing Documents. To void documents on multiple investors, we suggest you select the appropriate investors and then select Bulk Actions > Void Signing Documents which will save you time.
A pop up message will appear asking if you'd like to include a message to the investor.
After selecting confirm, you will notice the document status is updated on the cap table.
If you will be sending out a different document for investors to sign, you need to select a new template(s) in the offering builder page.