Waterfall Projections
Waterfall Projections are a tool Sponsors can use to create hypothetical waterfalls and distributions before sharing them with investors. The article below walks users through the page navigation.
Projections – Index Page: This is where the user will land after clicking the new “Projections” tab. This is the page where the user will go to create a new projection and see their existing projections. If the sponsor has marked a batch for reporting to their investors via the investor dashboard, then an orang reporting tag will display to the right of the projection name. Only ONE projection can be displayed to the investors.
Create Projection:
- Projection Name: What the sponsor wants to name the Projection batch. This is what will display in the name column.
- Waterfall: Where the sponsor will select what ruleset they want to use to calculate the Projection
- Projection Internal Notes: The sponsor can put any notes they wish to associate to the projection
- Estimated Disposition Date: The date the sponsor wishes to use for the projection calculations
- Total Distribution Amount: The hypothetical amount of money the sponsor is wanting to distribute to the investors within the given entity. Likely going to be a hypothetical sale amount
Marking a Projection for reporting to Investors: When the sponsor clicks in to a batch they will have a toggle that is off by default that reads “Marked for Reporting” When toggled on it will display the new IRR field to each investor via their Investor Dashboard for that given offering. Only one batch can be used for reporting.
Detail Table for Projection Batch: Each investor in the given entity will be listed in a table when the sponsor clicks into a specific Projection batch. Each investors IRR will be displaying in that table based on the criteria of the Projection batch, which is a new field.