Documents Uploaded by Investors
Investors now have the ability to upload documents through their Investor Portal, so Sponsors can access them. To view this process for investors, please see the Upload Documents through the Investor Portal article.
Once an investor has uploaded a document through their investor portal, you will be able to view and/or download it from the investor's CRM profile. To do so, select CRM > Contacts from the top menu bar:
Use the search field to locate the investor that has uploaded the document:
Select the blue hyperlinked name to open their CRM profile:
Within the CRM profile, select the Documents tab and then Investor Uploads:
From this screen, you can view the document(s) that the investor as uploaded, the description the investor as entered (if any) and whether the document contains sensitive data (tax IDs, banking info, etc). To download the document(s), you can select the blue hyperlinked file name.
By selecting the arrow to the left of the document, you have the options to Preview, Download, Manage Document Type, Mark as Sensitive or Delete.
If you want to be notified when an investor uploads a document, you can turn on a notification by selecting your name at the top right of your screen and then choosing My Profile:
Under Notification Preferences, you can toggle on the option for Investor Uploads and choose the Frequency in which you want to receive emails before selecting Save.
If you do not want to allow investors to upload documents through their investor portal, you can turn that option off by selecting your name at the top right of your screen and then choosing Investor Settings:
Under General Settings, you can toggle off the Uploads option to remove it from the investor portal before selecting Save:
To rename the Uploads feature, you can use the pencil icon to the right of this option and enter an updated name before selecting Save: