Asset Summary Details
RealPage IMS allows you the opportunity to add Asset Summary Details for a property on the Investor Dashboard. This is helpful when you wish to show more granular details about the property once the investor selects 'View more details.' To get started, please use the workflow below:
1. Add/Edit the Asset: Navigate to Projects > Assets, and select the Add Asset button or select the drop-down arrow to edit an existing asset:
2. Add or update various details about your asset. Note: The Property Name and Street Address are required, as indicated by the red asterisks. Select Save.
3. Navigate to the project in the Project List. Select the entity in the Project Summary list:
4. Select the three horizontal dots under Project Actions, or select the drop-down arrow next to the class you wish to add or edit Asset details for. Select Edit Classes:
5. Scroll until you get to the Asset Details section. Enter information about the asset into the Content box. Also, note the ability to select Add Metric and turn the Map toggle to the 'ON' position. This will show a map with a pin that is based on the address of the asset.
6. Add as many metrics on the list as you want. It's important to note that these are pulling directly from the fields that you added or updated in step 2. Once you click out of the menu, you will see a list of the metrics you have chosen to add. Feel free to click and drag the metrics in the order that you wish to display on the Investor Portal. When you are finished, select Next and Save on the following page.
7. The investor will see your updates when they choose 'View more details' from their dashboard. Note the content on the left side of the page, the asset metrics on the right side of the page, and the Google Maps pin below.