Generating Investor Statements
To begin generating a batch of investor statements, select Documents > Investor Statements on the top navigation panel.
All existing Investor Statements will appear in the list. To add a new statement, click Create Statement.
Enter a Statement Name, choose the desired Template, add a Date Range, pick which Project(s) and Investor(s) to include in this Investor Statement.
Pro tips:
- You can enter the Date Range manually or use the calendar pop-out
- You can choose to create an Investor Statement for a warm body (which will include investments made under all connected profiles) using the Consolidated option or for a specific profile (for example, just an investor's trust) using the Specific option.
- You can Filter by Segment when selecting investors.
Next, choose if you would like to Only Include Active Investors (this pertains to investors who have transferred out of the project during the date range chosen), Include Investment Details (this provides details that are displayed on the investor dashboard with a thumbnail picture of the property) or Include Transaction History (this provides distribution details from the investor dashboard). Finally, if you would like to Append Document(s), check that box and select Add PDF File. If you are not appending any documents, you can simply select Save.
If you are appending documents and have selected Add PDF File, you'll be given the option to browse for the file. Then, you'll be able to choose which project(s) the file should be Associated to and where you'd like the document to appear (Beginning or End of the Investor Statement). If you have multiple documents to append, follow these same steps for each document. Select Save when complete.
After selecting Save, you will see your newly created statement batch appear in the list. From the dropdown menu to the left of the statement batch, you have the option to Edit, Delete, Download as PDF, Publish to Investors, View Statement Details, or Archive (if the batch is already archived, you'll have the option to Unarchive).
Selecting View Statement Details will allow you to view the batch. Here, you'll have the option to Preview each statement. The dropdown next to each investor also allows you to Download, Publish to Investor or Delete for that particular individual. The green button to Publish to All Investors allows you to publish to all investors at once.
You also have additional options available from the dropdown to the right of the green button, such as Add Investors to Statement and Refresh All Documents. Refreshing the statements will come in handy if you've made changes to the investor statement template or edited the statement batch and want to apply those changes to the existing statement batch.
The Bulk Actions menu will allow you to Delete, Download as PDF, or Publish to Investors for all investors that are have checkboxes enabled.
When Publishing Statements, you can choose to Notify investors of the new document upload, which will send investors an email alerting them to a new document available for viewing through their investor portal under the Documents section. (If you have created 'Specific' statements, the notifications will be batched, sending one email to the responsible party.) This email notification is customizable under Investor Settings>Portal Notifications>Statement Document Upload Notification. Once completing your choices here, click Confirm.
All published Investor Statements will appear on the Documents page of each investor's portal.
Please see below for example Investor Statements.