Investor Statement Templates
Click Profile and Preferences at the top right and click Investor Settings. Choose the Statement Templates tab. Here you will see 3 auto-generated templates (Detailed Investor Statement Template, Project Level Template and Summary Investor Statement Template) along with any other templates that have been added. Note the options to edit, duplicate, and delete each template using the icons to the right of the template's name. To add a new statement template, click Create Statement.
Name your new template and add the description. Choose your layout (Landscape or Portrait), Primary, and Secondary colors. The Primary Color will be the font color of a majority of the text in the statement. The Secondary Color will be the font color of the header text in the statement.
Next, choose your Document Details. You’ll likely want your logo to be displayed as a Header Image. If the Default Logo is white/light in color, please upload a new version of the logo, so it will appear on a white background (we recommend logos as a JPG or PNG with a white background). Choose if you would like to include your Contact Information, which will be displayed on the top right-hand corner of the statement. Next, choose if you would like to include Display Footer page numbers. Finally, add a Display Statement Disclaimer, which will populate on the last page of each statement, if desired.
Next, you will identify the content to display in this template. Click Add Fields.
Customize the format of your desired template. Available options include: 1) Add image 2) Investment Summary Details 3) Line Break 4) Page Break 5) Project Statement Notes 6) Table or 7) Text Area.
Add image:
Drag and drop or browse your desired image. Please note that the image will appear as the size uploaded, so please upload accordingly. Choose if you would like to display the image left-aligned, center aligned, or right-aligned. Note the option to Delete this field at the top right if you choose to not include it in your template.
Investment Summary Details:
Name the header of this section; the default will be “Investment Summary Details.” All applicable summary details will appear in a list below. Click the “x” to remove any fields from the list. Any new items can be added with the Add Columns option. Columns will appear on the statement from left to right according to the order they are in on this page. To re-order the items, drag and drop to the desired order. Note the option to Delete this field at the top right.
Line Break:
This option will be helpful when you want to add a line break between two or more fields such as separating two tables in the report. Note the option to Delete this field at the top right.
Page Break:
This option is useful for adding before a section that will include a lot of information (such as an Investment Summary Details or a Table). Note the option to Delete this field at the top right.
Project Statement Notes:
This option is useful for adding project notes to investor statements. When creating or editing a project, on the Define tab there is a new ‘Add Statement Notes’ toggle. This toggle is off by default but when toggled on, prompts the user with a text editor box to enter any messaging they want to add to statements for this project. As long as the statement is generated using a template that has the ‘Project Statement Notes?’ field added to it, then the notes will automatically appear in place of the field on the statement when previewed/published.
Add the Header and Description. Choose to Filter by Status or Type (check all desired boxes to us the filter). Next, choose the desired columns that you would like to add to the table. To edit the order of the columns, drag and drop to the desired order. Note the option to Delete this field at the top right.
Choose if you would like to sort the columns by any applicable criteria that have been added to the column list (ex: Class, Amount Invested, etc.) or Ascending or Descending order. Note the option to Remove all Columns towards the right. Some columns may have a calculator icon; clicking on this icon will enable that table to Display All Totals and the calculator icon will turn green.
Some column options will have an “Add Grouping” button; this will allow you to select the columns to display for that specific column field. These are groups of relevant data gathered under the same heading. Click Apply.
Text Area:
Add text to the investor statement template. Note the options to add tags, add an image or to delete this area.
To rearrange the order of the data in your template, drag and drop to the desired order.
Once everything in your template is complete, click Save. Once saved, you can preview your template to make sure it appears as desired. Click Preview at the top right. A file will download as a PDF. Once opened, you will see a preview of your statement template with x’s displaying placeholders for the data.