Upload Project Level Documents
There are two ways team members can add documents to all investors associated with a project, either directly in the project or under the documents feature.
Method 1:
To upload a project level document from the projects page, navigate to the Project and select the Documents tab in the middle of the page. Select Upload Document to generate the screen you see below, from here you can select a single or multiple documents you wish to upload.
Here, team members can quickly view which documents have been shared with users at the project summary, entity, and class level. Team members can upload, view, download and delete documents from this page. Since these documents are shared documents across multiple users, you will be shown a warning with a user count prior to completing the deletion.
Method 2:
To upload a document from the documents feature, first click on Documents > Personal and Project Documents on the top. This view will show you auto-generated folders. The IMS System Documents section contains a folder called Projects, which will house all associated investor folders and documents. he Company documents (under your company name) will house all internal company documents (such as Waterfall-Audit files, broker, and property management information). The My Documents – [Name] folder is a location where the Team Member can load documents for their internal use or to coordinate with their IMS contact or other Team Members.
Click on the Projects Folder to find and navigate to the desired project. Once you click into the project folder, click Upload Document in the top right corner of the screen.
Drag and drop the desired document(s) or browse. Choose the desired Document Type to display on the Investor Dashboard. Choose your Publish Date if necessary (helpful for adding historic documents). Click Upload. Click Done.
Tip: These document(s) will be viewable by all investors within all classes in that project.
*To confirm that the document was correctly uploaded, please sign In as an investor within the list. To see our guide on how to masquerade as an investor, click here.
These documents will appear in the Documents tab for any investor associated with that Class. Here, they can download, view, or print their documents if needed. Please note the status of newly uploaded documents will be labeled as 'Unread' until the document has been downloaded.